Stephen Hawking project finds 15 mysterious radio signals

An Indian scientist has discovered that nearly 15 mysterious and strange radio burst has been detected coming out from a faraway dwarf galaxy. But the astonishing thing is that the scientist claims that these mysterious signals might be sent by the aliens or intelligent create citing their presence in the universe. This remarkable discovery has excited the space enthusiasts and they think that this might be perfect a proof of the existence of the extraterrestrial life outside Earth and also they want that the alien creatures should be tracked down through these radio signals.

Dr. Vishal Gajjar, a postdoc at the University of California Berkley researching for the $100m ‘Breakthrough Listen” project, has successfully detected 15 strange and repetitive Radio signal bursts radiating out from a small galaxy using the Breakthrough Listen to the instrument at Green Bank on accumulating 400 terabytes of observations of FRB 121102’s location. According to the reports of the latest discovery, the dwarf galaxy is said to be 3 million light years away from Earth and it is observed that the mysterious signals are coming out from that galaxy indicating the presence of aliens.

These bizarre radio bursts were first detected a decade ago but were not thoroughly understood by the scientists back then. The FRBs or the fast radio bursts are the dazzling and insignificant pulses or signals of radio that are emitted from the distant galaxies. The Parkes telescope of Australia was the first one to detect the strange radio bursts and now the scientists have been able to detect 15 such strange and mysterious radio burst signals from the distant dwarf galaxy. As the 15 new disturbed pulses took place within 5 hours, it indicated about the new active state of the source.

The breakthrough Initiative’s announcement informed that the distinctive shape imposed by the dispersion on the initial pulse indicates the amount of material present between them and the source and hence they get the distance of the host galaxy. The dwarf galaxy FRB 121102 is said to be about 3 billion light years away from Earth. The 15 FRBs were detected through the Breakthrough Listen project which was initiated to observe the nearby galaxies and stars and detect the presence of any extraterrestrial bodies like aliens in them. It was launched by cosmologist Stephen Hawking and Internet investor and philanthropist Yuri Milner.

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