10 Shocking facts about Bermuda Triangle:

Fact 1: The area covered by Bermuda Triangle is quite large about 500,000 miles of sea. And this is the larger than the combined area of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra.

Fact 2: The Bermuda Triangle is surely not fixed due to that its effects can be experienced outside the triangle.

Fact 3: Whenever any ships or plane get disappear in Bermuda triangle, its remains cannot be found due to the running of Gulf Stream near to the triangle.

Fact 4: Over the last 100 years more than 100 lives are lost in the triangle. Average 4 aircraft and 20 yachts get disappear every year.

Fact 5: Most of the people feel electronic fog inside the triangle which can be the subway of time travel. According to The Fog by Bruce Gernon pilot Gernon claims that he lost 28 minutes after flying through the time travel tunnel.

Fact 6: One of the biggest loss of U.S government occurred in 1945 when 5 Navy Avenger missing in the triangle. After 90 minutes the radio operator received a signal that the compass was not working after that communication was lost. The three planes went for rescue operation was also lost.

Fact 7: Christopher Columbus was the first person who reports about the Bermuda Triangle and he also wrote about that inside triangle the compass stopped working and he saw a fireball in the sky.

Fact 8: Bermuda Triangle is one the rarest place on earth where compass doesn’t show magnetic north direction instead of that it points towards true north, which creates lots of confusion and that’s the reason that so many ships and planes were lost their courses inside the triangle.

Fact 9: The disappearances are due to the UFO or alien activity, the city of Atlantis lost under the triangle and many other technical & geographical reasons.

Fact 10: There are many theories proposed about the Bermuda Triangle but none of them are proved yet like the magnetic field, Dangerous aliens operation etc.

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