Fire ants may one day help psoriasis sufferers.
Scientists at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta
found that in mouse studies compounds derived from solenopsins — the toxic
component of fire ant venom — eases skin thickening and inflammation associated
with psoriasis.

For the study, researchers tested two solenopsins on mice
with psoriasis. Solenopsins are chemically similar to ceramides — molecules
found in skincare products to maintain the barrier function of skin.
Rodents were given one of the two skin creams for 28 days. A
control group of mice were given no treatment. At the end of the test period,
treated mice had 30% less skin thickening than controls. They also had 50%
fewer immune cells infiltrating the skin and attacking itself, which occurs in
“We believe that solenopsin analogs are contributing to full
restoration of the barrier function in the skin,” said lead author Jack
Arbiser, professor of dermatology at Emory. “Emollients can soothe the skin in
psoriasis, but they are not sufficient for restoration of the barrier.”
Further research is needed and the use on people is down the
road. But scientists hopeful that their fire ant research could lead to future
treatments and be used in combination with existing ones to fight psoriasis.
The study, done in collaboration with Case Western Reserve,
is to be published in the journal Scientific Reports.