Android Bug Bounty By Google Worth $200,000 For Detecting Android Bug

The whole world is worried about the bugs and malware found on the Android devices. Hence, Google is also worried of the increasing malware in Android. Many reports claim that Google play store has lots of malicious apps. On the other hand, Google says that they keep on scanning the play store.

Looking at the severe situation, Google has announced a bug bounty program for finding a bug in Android OS. Two years earlier, Google has declared a bounty worth $30,000-$50,000, for finding excellent investigators, technology specialists, and engineers who can manage the malware threat for the Android devices. As a result, Google failed to get any professional expert. Now, Google has come with a huge offer bounty worth $200,000. Google will pay an amount of $200,000 if anyone finds a bug in Android OS.

The spread of ‘Judy malware‘ was also a reason for increasing the bounty price. If you have not yet read about the Judy malware‘, then you must read. Google issued the bug bounty worth $200,000 after two days spread of the Judy malware. ‘Judy’ has already affected more than 36.5 million Android devices. The malware makes the devices unsafe to unlawful access. The Judy malware was produced by a Korean company ‘Kiniwini.’ The shocking part is that the company is also listed as the ENISTUDIO Corp on the Google Play store.

Check Point is the internet security firm which claimed, Judy was discovered on 41 apps. It is an auto-clicking adware software which employs affected devices for producing costs of fraudulent clicks on advertisements. By this method, the malware producers obtain income. The malicious Judy app downloaded in approx. 18.5 million Android devices.

Check Point also added that the source of the malware spread is still not identified because the malware was on Play Store for times unexplored. Nonetheless, the dangerous apps have been deleted from the Play store.

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